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HI, RAPD, Interferon-Gamma, Cytokines, Oxidative Stress, Turmeric, Gamma-irradiation,  Staphylococcus aureus Newcastle Disease, Trypanosomes, Dicrocoelium dendriticum, Listeria monocytogenes, Echinococcosis, Hydatid, Pesticides, Protoscolex, Oreochromis aureus, Clarias sp., Mastitis, Degradability, Contaminant Bacteria, Nematode parasites, Wound Healing, Levamisole, Oxidative stress, Zoonosis, Treatment, Prevalence, Hematological parameters, Immune response, Biochemical parameters, Osteosynthesis, Bone Plating, Radiology, Heart girth, Live weight, Diastema, Morphometry, Drying system, Serum, Blood, Albumin, Globulin, Glucose, Soybean meal, Growth Performance, Production, Meat Parameters, Fermentation, Quality, Behaviour, nutritional status,  Calving interval, Conception rate, Gestation, Lactation, Spoilage, General hygiene, Wildlife, Sheep,  Quail, Ostrich, Rabbit,  Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Dog, Catfish , Fish, Aflatoxins, Buffalo, Cutaneous Infections, Brucellosis, Antibiotic, Hygiene, Tuberculosis


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WVJ-lowWorld's Veterinary Journal

E-ISSN: 2322-4568

Frequency: Quarterly

Current Issue: 2024, Vol: 14, Issue: 4 (December 25)

DOI Prefix: 10.54203


World's Veterinary Journal (WVJ, ISSN: 2322-4568) is an international, English language, peer-reviewed open access journal known as a source for high-quality articles in fields of veterinary medicine and animal science ... view full aims and scope

crossref-_sciencelineCurrent issue

308Research Paper

Bovine Respiratory Disease: Sero-Epidemiological Surveys in Unvaccinated Cattle in Morocco

Alali S, Laabouri FZ, Choukri I, Outenrhrine H, El Ghourdaf A, and El Berbri I.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 476-489, 2024; pii:S232245682400055-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj55

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

418-Mammary_Fat_Pad_of_RatsResearch Paper

Establishment of Mammary Tumors by Injection of 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene in Mammary Fat Pad of Rats

Sewoyo PS, Purwanti NLL, Munawaroh M, Kardena IM, and Astawa INM.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 490-497, 2024; pii:S232245682400056-14 

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj56

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

384-Differential_mRNA_Expression_of_Glucocorticoid_Bioavailability_Modulators_in_chickensResearch Paper

Differential mRNA Expression of Glucocorticoid Bioavailability Modulators and a Neurotrophic Factor in Three Organs Implicated in the Chicken Stress Response

Kadhim HJ.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 498-507, 2024; pii:S232245682400057-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj57

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

1900-65-Peripartum_Ketone_and_Milk_Quality_in_Dairy_CattleResearch Paper

Peripartum Ketone and its Relationship with Milk Quality in Dairy Cattle

Villar FA, Sánchez NM, Estremadoyro LG, Huamán RD, de la Cruz CA, Payano IU, Mauricio-Ramos Y, and Ninahuanca J.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 508-515, 2024; pii:S232245682400058-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj58

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

426-in_Viro_Fertilization_and_Embryo_Development_in_MiceResearch Paper

Effects of Anti-inhibin Free α Immunization on Ovulation, in Viro Fertilization, and Embryo Development in Mice

Aalilouch K, Sabeur K, El Berbri I, Kichou F, Elharrak M, Safini N, and Fihri OF.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 516-528, 2024; pii:S232245682400059-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj59

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

404-Lactating_Holstein-_Friesian_CowsResearch Paper

Effect of Artificial Insemination Timing on Conception Rate in Lactating Holstein-Friesian Cows

Syah HA, Yekti APA, Utami P, Isnaini N, and Susilawati T.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 529-535, 2024; pii:S232245682400060-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj60

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

362-Gastrointestinal_Parasitic_Infections_of_RuminantsResearch Paper

Gastrointestinal Parasitic Infections of Ruminants in Pastoral Communities of Ondo State, Nigeria

Ajakaye OG and Adejuyigbe A.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 536-543, 2024; pii:S232245682400061-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj61

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

1900-63-Small_Andean_HerdsResearch Paper

Effect of Hygiene on Milk Quality and Milking Factors of Small Andean Herds during the Rainy Season

Facundo GBA, Maquen JAR, Calderón NU, and Espinoza-Montes F.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 544-551, 2024; pii:S232245682400062-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj62

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

385Research Paper

Antibacterial Effect of Allium sativum L. and Allium cepa L. Extracts against Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Broiler Chickens

Merati R and Boudra A.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 552-558, 2024; pii:S232245682400063-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj63

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

1900-62-Phenotypic_Variability_of_Native_Guinea_Pig_Cavia_porcellusResearch Paper

Phenotypic Variability of Native Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus) Lines Associated with Productive and Reproductive Variables in the Traditional Production Systems of the Pastos Indigenous Reserve

Rosero J, Rosero-Alpala MG, Rosero D, Rosero A, and Tapie WA.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 559-571, 2024; pii:S232245682400064-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj64

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

409-RabbitsResearch Paper

Radiological Evaluation of Regenerative Growth Plate Defect Treated with Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane in Rabbits

Abd-Alkhaleq SH and Hussein AK.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 572-583, 2024; pii:S232245682400065-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj65

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

461-Toxicity_of_Chicken_Liver-with_ItraconazoleResearch Paper

The Toxicity Assessment of Chicken Liver-Based Drug Filler Supplemented with Itraconazole

Pringgodigdoyo PT, Manalu W, Andriyanto, Mustika AA, and Sutardi LN.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 584-591, 2024; pii:S232245682400066-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj66

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

415-Toxocara_vitulorumResearch Paper

Incidence and Risk Factors of Toxocara vitulorum Infection in Beef Cattle of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Ninditya VI, Ekawasti F, Prastowo J, Widiyono I, and Nurcahyo W.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 592-599, 2024; pii:S232245682400067-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj67

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

425-Chlorella_vulgarisResearch Paper

Physiological and Productive Responses to Dietary Supplementation of Chlorella vulgaris in Growing Rabbits

Ashour G, Barakat SA, Abd El-Azeem NM, Abdel Mageed EM, Younan GE, El-Sayed HGM, Morsy SH, and Abdel-Rahman SM.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 600-610, 2024; pii:S232245682400068-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj68

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

Research Paper

Effects of Ethanolic Extracts of Tithonia diversifolia and Azadirachta indica on Haemonchus contortus in Goats

Buyi L, Owoyesigire BB, Idibu J, Odoch T, and Owere L.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 611-616, 2024; pii:S232245682400069-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj69

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

1900-59-Leukocyte_Counts_in_Nile_TilapiaResearch Paper

Influence of Different Water Environments on the Differential Leukocyte Counts in Nile Tilapia

Adam Sulieman HM and Habeeb TH.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 617-625, 2024; pii:S232245682400070-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj70

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

397-Hepatitis_Hydropericardium_Syndrome_in_Broiler_ChickensResearch Paper

Incidence of Hepatitis Hydropericardium Syndrome in Broiler Chickens Caused by a New Fowl Adenovirus Strain in Iraq

Oraibi MI, Khaleel MH, and Al-Baldawi AAA.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 626-636, 2024; pii:S232245682400071-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj71

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

1900-56-Sebaceous_Adenitis_in_an_AkitaResearch Paper

Sebaceous Adenitis in an Akita: Symptoms and Therapeutic Approaches

Zhelavskyi M, Maryniuk M, and Drobot M.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 637-644, 2024; pii:S232245682400072-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj72

Keywords: Akita, Diagnosis, Dog, Sebaceous Adenitis, Treatment

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

427-An_Overview_of_Cyanide_Poisoning_in_Humans_and_AnimalsResearch Paper

An Overview of Cyanide Poisoning in Humans and Animals

Kulnides N, Lorsirigool A, Saenkaew K, Santichat N, Tawinwang K, Thumrin P, Sonti P, Phiphittaphan C, Kullaya A, Sophaporn T, and Fongtanakit R.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 645-651, 2024; pii:S232245682400073-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj73

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

432-Cytochrome_P450s_in_Musca_domesticaResearch Paper

Contribution of Cytochrome P450s to Development of Insecticide Resistance in Musca domestica L.: A Review

Krestonoshina K and Melnichuk A.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 652-658, 2024; pii:S232245682400074-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj74

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

365-Cattle_Bovine_Skin_TumorsResearch Paper

Pathological and Economic Effects of Bovine Skin Tumors on Cattle Production in Ethiopia: A Review

Getnet MA and Berihun AM.

World Vet. J. 14(4): 659-679, 2024; pii:S232245682400075-14

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.54203/scil.2024.wvj75

[Abstract] [Full text-PDF

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